Author: Donna

  • IODC 2017 to be held in Denver, CO

    The International Optical Design Conference (IODC) will be held next year in nearby Denver, CO!  Represent!

  • 360 Video and VR at CES 2016

    Seemingly, all possible configurations of multiple video cameras slapped together to create 360-deg video were on display at CES, including the wheeled contraption below from Radiant Images that I came across at VR Fest and the more compact Nikon KeyMission 360, which was kept in a closely-guarded case at the Las Vegas Convention Center.  The…

  • David Pogue talks optics at CES 2016

    David Pogue talks optics at CES 2016

    One of the free talks at CES was given by David Pogue, in which he shared some very interesting lifehacks from his “Pogue’s Basics” series books.  His tip for when you’re having trouble reading distant signage and have forgotten your glasses is to simply make a fist and peer through the tunnel created by your…

  • Blue Light, Circadian Vision, and Life after Dark

    The master circadian clock, located in the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), helps us sync to the sun-earth 24-hr cycle, for wakefulness during the day and a good night’s sleep after dark.  Blue light (i.e., ~460-480 nm), detected by the eye’s melanopsin retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs), is one of the SCN’s primary environmental cues.  It tells the…

  • A new edition of Introduction to Radiometry and Photometry has been published

    Congratulations to Ross McCluney!  I’ve just received a gratis copy as thanks for having modestly contributed to the chapter on ray tracing.  Ross has made a lot of updates to his classic 1994 text and I’m looking forward to reading it.

  • optica: A New Open-Access Journal from OSA

    optica: A New Open-Access Journal from OSA

    Authors can get their work published free of charge during the first year of Optica, a highly selective, open-access optics journal from the Optical Society of America (OSA).